
I'm Alison, a yoga instructor, lifestyle blogger and Long Beach native, living in Southern California with my husband Chris and our two kiddos, Callie and Ford.

This blog has been a space to share my adventures in fitness, food, travel and more as I’ve lived in San Luis Obispo, San Francisco, and now Orange County. I hope that my posts help inspire you to be your happiest and healthiest self, no matter what stage of life you are in!

Thanks for stopping by and maybe even say hi over on my Contact page :)

Third Trimester Recap

Third Trimester Recap

I’m a little behind in posting this (like 2+ months behind) but wanted to share in case it is helpful to even one other person out there. As a new mom, I know I enjoyed reading others’ pregnancy journeys and experiences so I’m happy to share mine as well.

Timing: Mid May to August (weeks 29-40)

How I felt physically: Heavier. It’s truly amazing how women’s bodies are able to grow and grow and grow. Just when I would think ‘how can my belly get any bigger?’ another week would pass and there I was, even bigger than before. I’m so glad my third trimester happened to be during the summer because I gave up on shoes with laces entirely (flip flops and slides only please!).

The back pain I experienced in my second trimester continued for a bit, but nothing unbearable. As I moved into the final month before our due date, I noticed my belly start to drop a bit lower and with that came some occasional pain in my hip joint (left hip specifically). The weather also started to get really hot where we live, so in the last few weeks (38-40), my feet started swelling which was pretty crazy to see. I started soaking them in ice baths a few times a week and putting my legs up the wall to try to relieve things a bit.

How I felt emotionally: Still as excited as ever but I’d have to say this was the most emotional trimester of all. As much as I wanted to remain calm about giving birth, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t anxious about it as well. I think I was mostly nervous about not knowing what to expect but did my best to mentally prepare by taking classes and reading (as I mention more down below).

It was also a difficult time as I lost my grandma in July. As much as I wanted her to meet her great-grandchild, it makes me happy knowing this baby’s got the greatest guardian angel of all. A week or so before I gave birth, I had a dream that both my grandparents got to meet the baby and it just felt like such a special sign, knowing they are with her.

How I prepared:

  • Continuing just about everything I’ve been doing in my first and second trimesters - taking daily prenatal vitamins, drinking lots of water and staying as active as possible (mostly neighborhood walks with Zeus, squats, and some light weight upper body exercises).

  • OB appointments - The frequency of appointments increased in this final trimester to every two weeks where we continued to track my blood pressure, weight gain, baby’s heart rate and fundal height (measuring size of my belly). In the final month before my due date, I was going in for weekly appointments and my doctor would also check my cervical dilation.

  • Online classes and birthing prep - The hospital we chose for delivery offered several online preparation classes via Zoom. I watched several of them including Preparation for Childbirth, Breastfeeding Basics, and New Baby Care, all of which were helpful as they had Live Q&A with registered nurses and lactation specialists. If you’re choosing to deliver at a hospital, I highly recommend checking their website and/or asking if they offer any preparation courses.

  • Reading - This book was shared with me by a friend who also planned to have a natural birth and I couldn’t recommend it enough! I think it’s extremely helpful as it covers all different scenarios from hospital birth to home, medicated to un-medicated.
    It really helped me understand what to expect from giving birth and how to empower myself to have the experience I want. I found the breathing exercises extremely helpful and felt that they were one of the main tools that helped me work through my entire labor and delivery.

Cravings: Still lots of fresh fruit, ice cream and chocolate. Also can’t wait to eat sushi again!

Third trimester must-haves:

Fourth Trimester Recap

Fourth Trimester Recap

Second Trimester Recap

Second Trimester Recap