
I'm Alison, a yoga instructor, lifestyle blogger and Long Beach native, living in Southern California with my husband Chris and our two kiddos, Callie and Ford.

This blog has been a space to share my adventures in fitness, food, travel and more as I’ve lived in San Luis Obispo, San Francisco, and now Orange County. I hope that my posts help inspire you to be your happiest and healthiest self, no matter what stage of life you are in!

Thanks for stopping by and maybe even say hi over on my Contact page :)

How to: Vinyasa

How to: Vinyasa

So my sister took these photos for me months ago and I was so critical of myself in the photos that I never got around to posting them -- until I realized how silly of me that was! Sure I was a little bummed the lighting didn't quite work out for half the shots I wanted and that I never got the "perfect" plank shot captured, but then I reminded myself what I so often try to remind my students in class. It's not about how the pose looks, it's about how it makes you feel.

Closing your eyes to roll through some cat-cows and not caring what it looks like is one of the most glorious feelings in the world! On top of not caring what the pose looks like, it's important to remember that we don't have to have a "perfect pose". To embrace wherever we may be at along our journey in life. Besides, its called a yoga practice for a reason. 

With that being said, I asked her to take these photos because I've been wanting to post more yoga related things to the blog, and I'd love to hear if there's anything in particular you'd like to see (seriously, send me a message or leave comments below)!

To kick things off, I knew I wanted to start with a 'How to Vinyasa' post because this little flow is something I try to incorporate into each and every day. While the word vinyasa means movement with breath, I’m sharing the typical vinyasa I teach leading up to a downward facing dog (often instructed at the end of a standing series or as part of sun salutations). If you're interested in adding a little flow to your day, check out the sequence below:


Plank Pose

Plank is often referred to as "top of a push up" which I think paints a pretty clear picture of this pose. Stack your shoulders directly over your wrists and spread all ten fingers out wide. Lift your hips so that your body makes one straight line from head to toe. Engage your abdominal (core) muscles by lifting your belly button up towards your spine. Tuck your tailbone towards your heels to prevent arching in your low back.  Lift your knee caps up to engage your quads (thighs). Reach out through your heels to keep legs engaged. Gaze towards the top of your mat and breathe.

"Yoga Push Up"

Chaturanga Dandasana

From plank pose, inhale and rock forward on your toes so your shoulders shift forward of your hands. As you exhale, lower your body half way to the ground by bending your elbows and hugging them in towards the ribs as you lower.** Continue to lift your navel towards your spine to keep your core engaged. Keep your shoulders lifted up away from the mat as you lower down (they should not dip lower than your elbows). Gaze slightly ahead of you/towards the top of your mat to keep your neck long.

** Modification: Knees can be lowered in this pose to work on building core, shoulder, and upper arm strength.

Upward Facing Dog

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

From Chaturanga, inhale as you straighten your arms, flip your toes under, and allow your hips to drop down towards the ground. Draw your shoulders back and down away from your ears while you press down through the tops of your toes, knees and thighs lift up away from the mat. Gaze up slightly if it is comfortable on your neck. 

Downward Facing Dog

Adho Mukha Svanasana

From upward facing dog, exhale to lift your hips up and back, and tuck your toes underneath you. Keep a generous bend in your knees to slowly warm the backside of your legs. You can also "walk out your dog" here by bending one knee at a time and dropping the opposite heel down, stretching your hamstrings and calves.

Check that your hands are still shoulder distance apart and all ten fingers are spread wide, making a nice big "L" with your pointer finger and thumb. Ground down through your fingertips and the base of your fingers. Reach your sit bones up to the sky and keep the spine long and straight. Allow your head to come in line with your arms and let your chest relax towards the top of your thighs. Breathe here.

While I'm presenting this vinyasa as a sequence of poses, each pose can be practiced separately too, of course. Feel free to practice any and all of them taking as many breaths as feel comfortable to you. 

Photos by Natalie M. Jones

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